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Car Parking Stewards & Marshals

Car Parking Stewards & Marshals

Car Park Cinema StewardsCar Parking Stewards & Marshals

We have been providing stewards and marshals since 2010, so we really know what we are doing. All our staff are paid (no volunteers) so they are really incentivized to do a great job for you.

We have more than 8,000 registered staff which means we can provide staff anywhere in England, Scotland and Wales.

Our marshals work at events, schools, supermarkets and anywhere else you need an extra pair of hands.

What sort of things car our car parking staff do?

Obviously directing vehicles but there is a lot more to it than that.

– For big events, our staff can visit site the day before and help to layout the car parks.
– Give information to visitors in a quick but polite manner as to keep the traffic moving. Stewards are usually the first experience a visitor will have of your event so it is important hey are polite.
– Stop people parking where they aren’t supposed to. This is a real issue with schools at dropping off and picking up times. Parents can very quickly get quite hostile and our staff can calm them down.
– Good communication with colleagues and our clients.

The type of parking we can do

– Pre-event set up
VIP Parking
– Disabled parking
– Double Row parking
– Artists and exhibitor parking
– Stop parents parking where they shouldn’t at school pick up times
– Ticket and wristband checking

The staff we provide will arrive dressed smartly in black, unless you request otherwise. They will have been pre-briefed on their duties and your objectives. Our car parking team are always courteous as they are usually the first people your customers or visitors see.

If there are accidents or a member of the public get’s upset and it escalates, our marshals are full trained in what to do in these situations. This is a crucial part of their training.

How much does it cost to hire a car park steward?

To get a quote for car parking staff then give us a call or complete the form below.


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    Your email (required)

    Your phone number (required)

    How did you hear about us?


    Date & Times
