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Why Your Event Needs Marshals And Stewards

Why Your Event Needs Marshals and Stewards

Why Your Event Needs Marshals and Stewards!

Event security is a must and yet, what companies spend on security is a fraction of their overall event budget.

The good news is that at some events, the simplest solutions are all that is needed. Once a security assessment is completed of your event and venue, you may find that a professional team of event marshals and stewards are the main part of your team, backed by technology and other event security staff.

But when using event marshals and stewards, how do you ensure that your event runs without a hitch?

#1 Appropriate venue

There is no denying that the right venue for your event will see it run smoothly. And a smooth-running event is a successful one.

There are many aspects to consider from how people access and exit the venue to traffic management and parking. These subsidiary activities are important and need to flow, which is why plenty of professional and briefed marshals and stewards on-site is essential.

#2 Cross all the T’s…

… and dot all the I’s is a common phrase, but it really sums up what makes an event flow.
Security assessments are one thing but an assessment of the whole event, flashpoints, potential problem areas and bottlenecks paint the bigger picture. When you understand the challenges and opportunities, alongside the threats, you can plan a response accordingly.

#3 Communication

At Marshals & Stewards, we are asked to provide staff for all kinds of events, from music festivals and gigs to sporting events and more. The key for us to provide the best service to a client is what they want our event staff to do.

‘What services do you need us to provide?’ is sometimes met with a vague answer, from ‘managing the car park’ to ‘just being around’. No matter which company you use to provide professional marshals and event stewards, briefing and communication is key to staff doing what you need them to do.

#4 Entry and exit points are THE most important areas

Whether it is welcoming families to an open-air event or music lovers entering the concert hall, the most important points of your event are the areas where people come in and where they leave.

Marshals and stewards can be part of the team that screens guests, visitors and attendees, but without losing the pleasant welcoming atmosphere. It doesn’t have to be done in an ‘airport security’ style of way. Searching bags can be done whilst enjoying a conversation with event attendees.

#5 Hire professional marshals and stewards

From health and safety to first aid, crowd control and directing people, marshals and stewards are the ‘faces’ of your event. The way they interact and deal with people, problems, issues and questions is the impression that people will be left with of your event.

Can you afford to take a chance with this? Marshals and stewards are professionals, trained in all aspects of event management and security. And we have the best in the business so why not call us on 0844 800 0071 complete the form below.

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