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How To Manage Queues On Black Friday

How to Manage Queues on Black Friday

How to Manage Queues on Black Friday

Long lines of excited shoppers on Black Friday is every retailer’s dream but, unless queues are successfully managed, they can quickly turn into a retailer’s nightmare. As a retailer, Black Friday can be particularly challenging especially as you still have health and safety obligations to make sure that everyone, shoppers and staff, are safe in and around your store. But with Black Friday magnifying these responsibilities, just what should you do?

#1 Direct the queuing with rope lines or barriers

Queueing is a British phenomenon but it is one that keeps good order when everyone follows the set rules. With the excitement of grabbing a bargain building, it doesn’t take much for people to become disgruntled when they feel that someone is pushing in.

Directing the queue with rope lines or barriers is one way of filtering people into the store too, so the dangerous dash into the store where customers and staff are hurt is avoided.

#2 Introduce turns in the queue

The psychology of crowds is interesting and explains why perfectly rational, respectable people can turn aggressive in such a situation. A cry goes up the doors are open and there can be surge from the back of the queue. This can lead to injuries, especially when people fall.

To prevent this, the queuing system you introduce should have plenty of twists and turns – this is why when queueing for a popular film at the cinema or at the checking desk at the airport, there is a ‘maze’ pattern to the line (as well as being space-saving).

#3 Hire queue-busting stewards

People can become disgruntled in a queue for many different reasons. One is boredom, another is when they don’t get the information that they need and so on.

Queue stewards are perfect for Black Friday for so many reasons. They can give people the information that they need but also answer any questions that people have about offers, when the doors will open and so on.

By keeping people talking and interacting with them, the crowd is more likely to stay even-tempered but also stewards, who are trained in effective queue management, can spot and deal with potential flashpoints early.

#4 Consider wristbands or ticket-entry

If you know that your Black Friday deals are going to be too good to be true and want to avoid the surge at the door, a queuing system that incorporates wristbands or ticket entry. This way, you can control who enters your property and when, and also helps to maintain order in the store (great for keeping your eye out for shoplifters too).

#5 Keep reminding people of the rules

Once your doors are open, you need to make sure that people are aware of what the rules are when it comes to Black Friday deals. And this is where your queue busting stewards can be useful. Having them manage the queues at the tills also works in making sure your Black Friday sale is enjoyable for everyone.


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