Need extra staff for outdoor events?
Need extra staff for outdoor events?
With life returning to normality, people are going out and about attending both indoor and outdoor events in large numbers. Venues, both large and small are constantly busy and the number of organisations holding events everywhere is rapidly increasing.
This pent up demand for events is reflected in demand for marshals and event stewards to organise car parking and entrance facilities.
How can Stewards & Marshals help?
Stewards and Marshals ensure every event runs smoothly. No matter how busy the event, every vehicle is parked safely. Queues to get into the car park or into the venue are kept to the minimum as the stewards and marshals process registrations, check tickets and deal with any payments quickly and efficiently.
Communication is crucial
Marshals and stewards are the first point of contact for any visitors to an event, directing people to parking spaces. Even when large numbers of vehicles are arriving or exiting the car park, skilled marshals can ensure this is undertaken quickly and efficiently with no hold ups.
At reception points as well as around the venue, stewards play an important role in answering questions, providing directions and dealing with unexpected emergencies.
We personally give our staff a complete briefing before the event. They arrive on site knowing where to go, where to direct vehicles and deal with any visitor queries. They are fully experienced and able to cope with any number of visitors.
We have the best, most experienced marshals and event stewards available, ready and waiting to help make your event a total success. All you have to do is phone us, fill in the form below or email us for an immediate quotation. Give us details of the location, the venue, the number and type of staff required together with any relevant background information. We will check our database and identify the best people to undertake your booking, providing any training that may be required before their arrival at your venue.
Whether looking for marshals and stewards to deal with an immediate event set up at short notice, or undertaking forward planning for future events – we are able to help at every stage.
Contact us now and see how we can help you.