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Organising Big Events Around The Coronation Weekend?

Organising big events around the Coronation weekend?

Organising big events around the Coronation weekend?

Don’t forget to consider car parking requirements. Book your car parking marshals and stewards early because demand is high.

There is nothing worse than sitting in a long line of cars waiting to enter a car park – and nothing moves. It makes people irritable, especially if they have children with them. The longer the queues, the greater the level of bad publicity – just think of those photographs of long stationery queues heading for the Dover just before Easter!

Even short queues can quickly cause traffic management problems on local roads as annoyed drivers heading elsewhere are caught up in gridlocked streets. In such situations, there is little comfort when drivers enter the car park and find they have to drive slowly round and round trying desperately to find a vacant space, and people wanting to leave cannot do so due to the mass of vehicles.

Hiring car park staff trained to organise entry and exit to car parks avoids such nightmare situations.

Within minutes of arriving on site, the car park staff start monitoring entrance and exits, setting up special lanes if necessary for event access. On entering the site, cars are directed to vacant parking areas and care is taken to ensure that vehicles are parked safely without blocking other vehicles.

Badly parked cars are an immediate hazard. If parked over the lines they prevent other cars using one of the spaces, thus reducing car park space availability. Stressed out drivers desperate to park often simply leave their cars at the end of a row, whether or not there is a space, resulting in problems for vehicles trying to manoeuvre around the car park.

Worse still, long queues and badly parked cars can make emergency access impossible.

This is why hiring marshals and stewards to organise a car park makes sense. It reduces the risk of any problems occurring, since they are trained to spot potential issues and deal with them fast. Visitors can access the site quickly and enjoy the event in comfort making it a win-win situation for everyone.


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