Using professional car parking marshals and stewards to organise your car park
Using professional car parking marshals and stewards to organise your car park
Late at night, having enjoyed a concert or attended a big event, people head for their cars. Headlights on, cars start moving around the unlit car park trying to avoid badly parked cars and pedestrians. Other people sit in their cars, waiting for a gap to emerge, and hoping that no one will hit them in the darkness. Then there are inevitable times when cars refuse to start due to a flat battery. There may be no signal on a mobile phone – an all too common problem in rural areas!
Long queues of vehicles quickly develop as tired drivers try to find their way out of the unlit car park, not knowing where exactly the exit happens to be. Further problems emerge as soon as they reach the road. Many drivers hesitate on the unfamiliar turning – which way to go? Passing vehicles start getting annoyed as queues of cars edge their way into the traffic flow, causing others to slow down.
Such situations are magnified many times over when it is also raining. Wet road surfaces, or slippery muddy grass and the glare of headlights as other cars cut across in front of you can be extremely risky. In rural areas, there is also the risk of wildlife such as Muntjac deer suddenly running across the road causing cars to veer away or stop suddenly.
Accidents are just waiting to happen. All it needs is one miscalculation or finding someone suddenly appearing in your headlights.
No one wants a lovely evening out to end in disarray, arguments or worse still, in hospital. It immediately creates a bad public image for the event organisers.
Avoiding such situations is simple – use professional car parking marshals and stewards to organise your car park.
Organising car parks effectively
Instantly decreases the potential problems. Having official marshals and stewards around provides extra layer of safety especially for solo women or women with children. If problems arise, visitors know there is someone around who can help them – even if it is just giving a car a push! Knowing there is someone around while a driver waits in a busy or deserted car park for a rescue service to arrive, can make a tremendous difference to the overall visitor experience.
Many of the problems encountered by people trying to leave a car park at night after an event can be avoided. Professional car parking staff monitor the arrival of cars at an event, and ensure they are parked safely.
Large temporary field car parks are broken up with signs to help visitors find their cars. Car parking staff ensure that sufficient space is always left between rows and at the end of rows so that cars can manoeuvre safely out of a parking spot.
Access routes are carefully marshalled to ensure that cars follow a specific path into and out of the car park. Particularly busy pedestrian exits from a venue into a car park can be monitored to ensure that pedestrians can cross safely without causing long vehicle tailbacks.
The result is that car parks empty quickly and efficiently with minimal problems occurring. Everyone, visitor and staff, can depart the site easily having had a good experience from start to finish.
Using professionals to organise your car parking stewards makes sense which is why venues and event organisers need to make it a priority during the pre-event organisation period.