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Why You REALLY Need Marshals And Stewards For Summer Festivals And Events

Why You REALLY Need Marshals and Stewards for Summer Festivals and Events

Why You REALLY Need Marshals and Stewards for Summer Festivals and Events

The posters are up, ticket sales are flying and your summer festival social media marketing campaign has taken off – you have, so far, all the ingredients for a successful summer event or festival. Great!


… there is so much more to sort out, festival security for one. And as part of that security package, you need people on the ground – marshals and stewards. Worth their weight in gold, the professionalism, safety and security that marshals and stewards will bring to your summer event is second to none. Whether it is a one-day gourmet food festival by the sea or a weekend of the latest indie music festival, stewards are the people your audiences and attendees will look to for more or less everything.

From directions to the nearest portaloo to the shortest route to the exit, for help finding a hotel or somewhere to eat, local marshals and stewards are a must for your summer event.

Can anyone be a marshal or steward?

Yes. And no. The temptation is to look for anyone daft enough to volunteer to wear a high-viz vest and think that this will be enough. It takes a little more than this. For example, are your helpers first aid trained? Are they vigilant when it comes to crowd management? Do they know how to really interact with the public and persuade people to do something or not to do something?

It isn’t just a case of ‘staffing the exit’ or just giving out wristbands. You’ll have security issues like bag searches to do on entry (and possibly exit too) and it begs the question, what is the untrained eye looking for when they peer into someone’s handbag or rucksack?

Frankly, when things start to unravel – and they just might – you need people who know how to step up. The only really solid answer is to hire personable, professional and responsive marshals and stewards for your summer festival.

The best summer events planned in the UK

Music Festivals

There is, as you would expect, a diverse range of music festivals being held across the UK this summer. If you haven’t sampled the highs, lows and mud of Glastonbury, then make this the year that you do. Hopefully, the summer sun will shine meaning the mud stays away but with the Glastonbury 2019 line up announced, buy your tickets and get your tent ready for a super summer adventure.

Food Festivals

Always popular, the number of food festivals in the UK is growing year on year. And no wonder. More and more of us are wondering how we can continue to eat well, for less and without harming the environment.

Food festivals are also a great way of finding the best in local and British produce. From seafood festivals to gourmet pub food, there is something for every foodie. And like all other events, the best summer 2019 food festivals will have professional marshals and stewards helping them to run smoothly.

Hire marshals and stewards for your summer event or festival

Just pop us an email using the contact form below and we’ll get right back to you with a free and no-obligation quote.


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